Raised Bed Gardening – How To Start A Raised Bed Vegetable Garden

July 9th, 2015 | by admin


  1. +Jason S When setting up the raised beds, all you have to worry about is
    digging creatures. The hardware cloth helps with this. Also for future use,
    you can nail some wooden stakes along the edges, it helps support plants
    and also hold nets around the raised beds. Hope that helps. Good luck!

  2. i want to make a raised bed but my mum says there is no space…..i want to
    make a raised bed but where do i put them? cause my garden has no place

  3. AFter preparing your raised beds, this is how you maintain the soil level:

  4. +nitin Tripathi Thank you. The excessive water will run down to the water
    table. These raised beds are designed for the ground, not any other
    surface, hope that helps.

  5. Irena Scheer says:

    Amazing! Thank you for sharing!!! You explain so well! Please put more
    videos on step by step on how your grow things!

  6. +Gustavo Forastiere I am glad you found the video helpful. Yes this product
    is actually very good value for money. I agree buying lumber will get
    expensive and then you need to spend a lot of time as well. This product is
    a high quality cedar wood. Very resistant to water and elements. Good luck
    in building yours! Its a very rewarding experience!

  7. l loved this video.. I wish I had done my little garden this way. I am
    planning to re-doing it now. Thanks for sharing this video

  8. Frank Burns says:

    Probably easier to cut that hardware cloth first, then put the lumber on
    top of it.

  9. Thanks for the video, CG. It’s not only instructive, but also inspiring. I
    want to try and do something like this at home now. I’ll save a load of
    money, and build my own, simple raised gardens. At $60 each 4×4 kit, it can
    get very expensive, very quickly. Then you have to add the dirt, etc…
    Good product for those that don’t have the means to build one of these,
    though. Thanks again!

  10. very good video, easy to understand and follow, thank you for making it
    clear and easy to listen to

  11. Erika Garay says:

    Your video has been the best one I have seen so far… I am convincing my
    husband on joining me on this project with me. I have never done any type
    of gardening, so I relying on youtube and reading to figure out how to
    start this project.

  12. Thanks a lot for this wonderful and very useful video. However, I’d like
    know about taking care of the problem of excessive water drainage when it
    rains or due to manual watering.
    Please reply.

  13. Bee Bob says:

    Did you put together a great video. Thank you.

  14. This was a great tutorial video with awesome resources! thank you so much! 

  15. norman choy says:

    Very helpful ,well design, details of soil uses and explanation of all you
    do to prevent grass growing and animals, Keep gardening and good lucks to
    you and your family

  16. AFter preparing your raised beds, this is how you maintain the soil level:

  17. Deals togo says:

    Very nice video, thank you. The wire mesh is a great idea. I am not sure it
    will stop the mice who ate my tomatoes last summer but it’s worth a try.
    They crawled along the fence top from a neighbors shed and then climbed
    down into the bed and took one or two bites out of each Big Boy. I know b/c
    I set up a night camera. I set out traps and caught 8 of these tiny
    critters! I’ll try the wire around the base of the bed this Spring.

  18. )- what are you looking at a fron face and nose forgot to add eyes

  19. Helen Alford says:

    love the music you chose. what is it?

  20. Under7Cs says:

    I assembled the bed upside down then stretching the wire over the bottom
    and using an electric staple gun, stapled the mesh to the bottom edge of
    the wood. Then cut the mesh and flipped the bed over. While cutting the
    wire, all I thought about was – There has got to be a power tool that does

  21. niceeeee, this will work perfect! thanks man.

  22. Bob Holmes says:

    Great information. 

  23. sueli cunha says:

    AFter preparing your raised beds, this is how you maintain the soil level:

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