TF2 Market Gardening Tutorial Part 1

July 10th, 2015 | by admin


  1. What Rpg Did You Use In This Video

  2. When in the heck are you going to make a part 2?!

  3. Gadet4800 says:

    0:47 “timing is critical” I see what u did there

  4. Samir Rajani says:

    +Muselk Not to be a grammar nazi, but effectively is spelled wrong at 1:58

  5. i downloaded tr_walkway, but how do i access it in game

  6. expertgamer says:

    i have a different problem tho
    people move randomly
    not in the way i want them to go

  7. sean webb says:

    How do you download the map?

  8. Muselk THx for this bid but one problem when usind d and a I stop moving
    but I aimed at the enemy then press d so type.


  9. Azazel says:

    the never made the 2nd part

  10. Part 1 doesn’t mean there’s a part 2, It just means it’s a part 1 and part
    2 is nex- Shit…

  11. 66,660………THE DEVIL GARDENS MARKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. VaffAttack says:

    Today i got my first market gardener…somehow i pogod lke a boss and
    nailed a sniper. I reacted like i got a unsual AND IT WAS ALL FROM THIS

  13. gerpar250 says:

    Copyright lololol strikes again.

  14. I like how you said that timing is CRITICAL.

  15. HOW TO FIX WALKWAY RC2 : sv_allow_point_servercommand always

  16. Hashim Khan says:

    thanks a lot for the tutorial

  17. COMET says:

    do u have to crouch when u rocket jump

  18. TODAY I GOT MY FIRST MARKET GARDEN KILL. one pyro was caping in hightower.
    i got out of my base rocket jumped and killed that pyro and its all because
    if this video. thnx and i hope u make part two 

  19. teddy bear says:

    About when do you swing if u use the base jumper? Thanks


  21. sean webb says:

    So you cant get achievements on tr _walkway?

  22. popy ng says:

    Part two never comes…

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