Container Garden Harvest & Update #2 vegetable gardening plant raw food

July 10th, 2015 | by admin


  1. eyesdatsee says:

    How do you control pest on corn, squash and cucumbers…I get vines but
    very little vegatables…worms seem to eat the blossoms…thank you for
    sharing your great garden..kitty is nice too.

  2. Good job BubbleBeet! Your garden is always so tidy & beautiful harvest too!
    You just can’t beat a square foot garden. :)

  3. What a beautiful garden!! I started container gardening last year without
    much success. This year I’ve chosen better containers and expanded some so
    I have higher hopes. What variety of cucumber to you grow? Do you pickle
    them or just eat as they come? Thanks…and I love your kitty!

  4. Great harvests and I like that rinse process saving water! I think those
    white things on your tomatoes might be thrips not aphids but the treatment
    should still work.

  5. Such a nice garden! We’re doing our first container garden this year. It
    sure is quite an adventure! It has been a struggle to keep up with the
    watering needs and battle earwigs, aphids, and now squash beetles as well
    as blossom end rot! If you want to check out our garden (and feel free to
    offer any tips!) you can follow my page. I try to group our mostly-garden
    vlogs into a playlist, though pretty much everyday we talk about something
    new in the garden, lol

  6. Awesome. Goodness you grow the best greens. Thanks for the information on
    what you use to deter the worms. That snake was huge!

  7. Maria T says:

    Beautiful and organized! love it! Glad to see other people wear camo as
    much as we do. Like that you always show the brands that you use. Thanks

  8. Everything looks great!

  9. I enjoyed my walk thru your garden. Very nice. You have a lovely, healthy
    garden even if it takes a bit of organic help.

  10. Here in California my veggies are super thirsty.

  11. OMG, I thought I was the only one who wore medical gloves while I garden,
    haha, otherwise the dirt gets under my nails and my patients think I am a
    dirty sort, lol.
    If you can get a wasp to build a nest close by, they will eat all of your
    cabbage worms, they feed them to their babies!!! And they like people as
    long as you don’t wave your arms at them! :)

  12. popcornxxx says:

    I noticed you used two different sprays for the bugs on your plants. Is
    there one spray available that can safely be used on all plants? I have
    tomatoes, kale and cabbage. So far, no bugs.

  13. bEautiful, as always:)

  14. flyguy1725 . says:

    Nice update Bubble!!

  15. You have a very beautiful garden

  16. nery colon 1 says:

    Love your garden. Container and raised bed are great especially if you have
    back problem or are disabled like in my case. Great job.

  17. denjax1970 says:

    What kind of soil do you use for your plants…?

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