Different Ideas To Grow Money Plant

July 22nd, 2015 | by admin


  1. spyralspyder says:

    That is a Pothos.

  2. indra khosla says:

    Plants really change your atmosphere mood and mind if they are placed in
    correct manner according to vaastu

  3. Archit jain says:

    wrong Info! this money plant is not related to feng shui!

  4. Its really informative

  5. Katie Childs says:

    I agree that not a money plant

  6. That’s not a money that they are showing

  7. Becky Ann says:

    This is NOT a money plant!!

  8. Thanks a lot for this valuable information.

  9. sunil sai says:

    This is great Video!

    My only stress in life was how much money I need for my future and this was
    causing like sever stress.

    I was looking for solutions to this question and i found one interesting
    app called “money ideas” by lokesh which accurately predicted the amount of
    money i need for my entire life by considering many factors.

    now, i am confident and certain about my required money.and i am working
    towards it!

  10. sorry we dont believe in feng shui

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