Growing a Vegetable Garden Update Tips & Tricks June 30 2014

July 10th, 2015 | by admin


  1. pickerick1 says:

    Hey guys! Check out my garden this year. 2014 Season.

  2. i really enjoyed this vid

  3. lots of good ideas

  4. Wow nice garden! What state are you in?

  5. MasterG123dd says:

    Just started on making videos . I am starting on gardening. In this video
    in the link I tell you what the upcoming videos will be about. Please watch
    if interested please subscribe and or like. watch here at

  6. pickerick1 says:

    Check out my 2014 Garden!

  7. very nice setup man.

  8. Thanks for the video. My dad always grew a big garden when I was little, it
    seemed like everyone had a garden back then..I wanted to start my own this

  9. Great garden. I’ve subscribed to your channel. Thanks for sharing.

  10. 707mrb says:

    Great job on the garden this year Rick. 

  11. pickerick1 says:

    Check out my garden. coming right along!

  12. Dale Calder says:

    Rick that is a beautiful row of tomatoes and that is a good system that you
    use to support them. 

  13. Beautiful and huge garden you have Rick! Was that big one a Brandy Wine?
    I like that twine you have too, how convenient! Thanks for sharing!

  14. Shari Doe says:

    I was curious how to use the watering tubes if you are using a barrier. Can
    they go under ground or on top of the weed barrier? (A cloth type not
    plastic barrier)

  15. AWESOME garden. Your tomatoes are HUGE. What do you fertilize with? Your
    soil looks sandy.

  16. Looks good Rick! That is a neat trick with the twine:)……ann

  17. nery colon 1 says:

    Love your garden. You have done an amazing job. I can’t wait for my
    tomatoes gets big and give me tomatoes. 

  18. Brock Hughes says:

    Thumbs up brother! Rick I love the garden bro fantastic! I really liked
    the tip with the string through the PVC awesome. Excellent video Rick!

  19. Several excellent tips in your video and well presented. I have just posted
    a short video that’s the best money saving tip for any gardener ever. I
    have attached a link.
    How to buy the cheapest Vegetable Seeds ever. I’v just done it! Have a
    look, let me know what you think. 

  20. garden looks awesome Rick ! Those are some monster maters !

  21. Dan Rogers says:

    That’s a handy contraption you made there for you string. I like it. Good

  22. navajopa31 says:

    Rick: The box and the piece of pvc is a real good way of using string to
    tie them up. A lot better than the people trying to run the string with
    their hands and gettin tangled plus it is a lot quicker. Bernard

  23. Eric White says:

    Man those tomatoes got my mouth watering.

  24. What a beautiful garden. Thanks for sharing your tips and tricks!

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