How to Plan a Vegetable Garden: Design Your Best Garden Layout

July 9th, 2015 | by admin


  1. GrowVeg says:

    How to get the most from your garden plans this year…
    How to Plan a Vegetable Garden: Design Your Best Garden Layout

  2. Chicagoman36 says:

    You have on the planting list Sow what does Sow mean? is it another Word
    for Germination? trying to do this for First time trying learn. I live in
    NY last Frost will be about Mother’s Day May 10 2015. With that said want
    to try plant stuff indoors month’s / Month before I plant it. Don’t really
    have Idea where I’ll plant them yet have some what of an Idea but Trial an
    Error I’ll learn but growing it indoors when to start each thing is the
    Challenge rest is easy planted Tomatoes month ago about 6 inches tall lol.
    To early lol but did go to that Garden planner web site just looking for
    days grow them wondering about Sun Flowers too. so lets say sun flower
    talks total of 4 Months til Harvest should you plant it month and half
    indoors before planting it outdoors that about right? I know you can plant
    it indoors when ever but whens right time?

  3. Thank you for explaining the Garden Planner app. This video was very
    informative for me.

  4. GrowVeg says:

    Good planning can make all the difference to the amount and quality of food
    produced by your vegetable garden.

    In this video we present 5 questions that are at the heart of good garden
    planning and show how to draw up the plans you require. We then demonstrate
    how the Garden Planner reduces the need for research and guess-work, so
    that in a very short space of time you can create a personalised plan for
    your most successful garden ever:

    How to Plan a Vegetable Garden: Design Your Best Garden Layout

    If you love growing your own food, why not try our online Garden Planner
    which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
    and many more…

  5. I need this garden planning app! I have 2-8X8 raised bed and 5X16 ground
    patch, hard to manage all of those, I desperately want this app, somebody
    can tell me where to get it?

  6. GrowVeg says:

    A well planned vegetable garden is a productive vegetable garden. In this
    video we go through the 5 key questions that you need to ask when planning
    the best layout for your garden for the coming year.

  7. could you please throw some light on building good soil?thanks,renu

  8. I made a garden plan but not to scale. Then I adjusted the measurements
    and although it gave me a larger grid, it didn’t reposition the planting
    beds to the new proportions. Is this a capability of the program, or can
    you orient me on how to do it? Thanks!

  9. Wow, what a helpful tool! We will probably be using that when it is time
    for us to get our garden ready. God bless! :)

  10. This is a wonderful application. I used the garden planner last year and
    look forward to planning my new 2014 garden. 

  11. MingledSeed says:

    Very informational!

  12. A well planned vegetable garden is a productive vegetable garden. In this
    video we go through the 5 key questions that you need to ask when planning
    the best layout for your garden for the coming year.

  13. Good planning can make all the difference to the amount and quality of food
    produced by your vegetable garden.

    In this video we present 5 questions that are at the heart of good garden
    planning and show how to draw up the plans you require. We then demonstrate
    how the Garden Planner reduces the need for research and guess-work, so
    that in a very short space of time you can create a personalised plan for
    your most successful garden ever:

    How to Plan a Vegetable Garden: Design Your Best Garden Layout

    If you love growing your own food, why not try our online Garden Planner
    which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
    and many more…

  14. Jeff Lucco says:

    Thanks for the great information. I love to garden and always looking for
    ways to improve my harvest. How large should you let your seedlings grow
    before transplanting? 

  15. Is this software available for Amman, Jordan? 

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