How to start a vegetable garden

July 9th, 2015 | by admin


  1. Wonderful job. I subscribed! I grow most of what you have here in my

  2. Frank Burns says:

    I need a good rake-uh.

  3. keelinga says:

    Awesome video. Great instructions. I can’t wait to try. I love stir fry and
    I love the idea of growing my own Chinese vegetables. I will also try to
    start my own seedlings. Thank you for sharing the video!

  4. bisket2003 says:

    This chick a machine! Great video. 

  5. you are adorable and if you come to vegas look me up. then you can see my
    garden and i ll send you home with some golden bamboo. you are adorable!

  6. Mystearical says:

    First of all – your video is amazing!! Learned A LOT!! I have a question-
    If our garden has a lot of crabgrass (weeds) and I plan on having a raised
    bed. Should I do something in advance? I do plan on removing the top layer
    of the grass (beneath the bed) then adding top soil/compost (8 inches of
    so). Should I add cardboard under/around the raised bed? Or is removing the
    top layer of grass + covering that with 8 inches of top soil good enough?

  7. HUNG NGUYEN says:

    what a hard work chic”””

  8. Gracy Redmon says:

    Wǒ xīwàng nǐ xiǎngshòu nǐ de xīn huāyuán!!

  9. Thank you so much! I subscribed, saw your link on, or

  10. Geekella says:

    this is amazing!

  11. LuggerMoulin says:

    Good job. A very nice garden you have.

  12. Jiaqi Lun says:

    OMG! this is really hard work!! You sure did a good job!

  13. Card board will kill the weed and grass. Put top soil on top is much

  14. dave gale says:

    Great job thank you

  15. Erika Kayne says:

    Awesome video! 

  16. ckw says:

    Thanks for the video. Just wonder after you plant with organic and
    inorganic fertizier, do you need to add fertilizer later on? Or you simple
    just water your plant? 

  17. Great video. You have inspired me to make my own garden this year! 

  18. Thank you for the video

  19. mezleona says:

    It’s great that you have all that space! My backyard is only 15 x
    30 and I have to consider the path, I will be restructuring my yard next
    year the heat here is unbearable!

    You skipped the laying down of the raised beds and the watering system,
    that is a shame, since I really need that info, perhaps you can you another
    one with those steps?

    By the way have you tried the no dig system? Using boxes and news paper to
    break down the grass is great, besides you do not kill the worms that are
    already there. Bugs? They will always be bugs, but tilling disrupts the
    microorganism that your soil has.

    No matter what it looks great good job!,

  20. Mystearical says:

    What kind of tiller did you use? Also if I want to start my veggie garden
    next year, do I till my soil this fall and add compost now or next year
    when I’m about to plant?

  21. You work really hard, great job!

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