In the Garden w/ Olivia [1] – Leave Ideas For Gardening!

July 9th, 2015 | by admin


  1. OMG! Guys, I’d love to do PVP but I’m just not good at all. D:

  2. nick enders says:

    I think a walkthrough series like blue is doing right now would be awesome.
    Also some Pvp would be fun to watch. 

  3. Pvp series, but you can do 2v2?

  4. Mr.Jumpyboy says:

    With all those side quests you have, you can do a series called A Quest
    Towards No More Quests, till the next big thing comes out.

  5. 2cupjake321 says:

    What does evil magma peas drop?

  6. john uk says:

    If you play wizard101 uk i can show you my houses to give you some ideas

  7. Aaron Bard says:

    Do more pirate101

  8. low lvl pvp? rode to leader bored

  9. Hi Anna says:

    I absolutely love your videos!!! However this is just my opinion,
    personally I think
    gardening is slightly boring maybe do like a PvP or something! :) However
    if you feel like this is something you would like to continue please do!
    i’ll be sure to check it out every once in a while.

  10. Matt Ellison says:

    Maybe a gardening tutorial on another wiz of yours or something so I and
    others kinda know the plants you need for awesome prizes I guess along with
    how to get a bustling garden started. xD

  11. You should tell us where to farm for places that drop plants that give mega
    snacks : . Or Plant different kind of plants and see what you get.

  12. Mkv13 mk says:

    do pet derby?

  13. Tyler Truong says:

    Restart Your Walkthroughs

  14. Mr. Bubbles says:

    You are to awesome to only have 7k subs o_O. You deserve way way way more.

  15. ?? ?? says:

    You should do a PvP Series, it’ll be really fun. You can watch Duelist for
    guides because they helped me a lot.

  16. Chelsea MC says:

    Fantastic Friends Furnishings maybe?

  17. Austin Moore says:

    i have an idea do like a way to spruce up you garden

  18. I think a PvP series would bee nice. Even if your not good at it, you
    should at least try.
    I can help too, btw do low level PvP!!!

  19. U should really start doing a road to warlord series than a over lord or
    something :D

  20. Can you continue show off that wizard. You could add your pirates to that

  21. Mkv13 mk says:

    and with gardening I recommend prickly bear cactus

  22. A gardening video would be great. You could use a wiz that’s a rank 1
    gardener and do rank 1 to rank 20. :)

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