Indoor Gardening help for YOU!

July 10th, 2015 | by admin


  1. VoodooGarden says:

    Indoor Gardening help and some cool new developments!

  2. Praxxus55712 says:

    Brand Spankin NEW episode!

  3. TH3C1PH3R says:

    A 2 inch layer of diatomaceous earth does the trick against fungus gnats

  4. Mark Dewalt says:

    I wish someone had told my zucchini how to behave, perhaps it was due to
    bring very cool and wet while the first blooms formed, but I ended up with
    tons of females a week before any males!

  5. ChrisD4335 says:

    hmm like 5 bulbs would b like $300 a year. Gotta wander how well those led
    lights work.

  6. Problame says:

    Some gnat flies and I had a serious Come to Jesus moment last night. A
    whole bunch of them went to Jesus…

  7. Great video.
    Good to have you back on Facebook. 

  8. The other day i bought 4 sticky rat traps $2.19 for the 4..set them up in
    my grow room and an hour or two later came back to check on the traps and
    im happy to see that these sticky rat trap works really good for gnats and

  9. Mark L says:

    When will those grubs turn to beetles??

  10. Plant sex, bwahaha! Stick some chopsticks around the top-heavy zukes and
    stake ’em!

  11. ISOABlessing says:

    Have a great weekend, thanks for being awesome and pet the pupster for us,
    what a sweetie!!

  12. R Verro says:

    I couldn’t stop laughing at your sticky paper demonstration. The part where
    the gnats get caught by the glue on the paper @ 2:00 minutes” Hey ! A
    flower ! STICK” Hahahaha. One serious question here though. Is it ok to add
    citrus peels to my indoor compost ? I realized that even if the peels are
    dried and grounded up, the oil is still present. My compost has a smell of
    oranges now. I hope it won’t screw-up the Ph in my compost. Thanks and its
    nice to see you back again

  13. squito94 says:

    Ray do you every use a fan for your plants? I figured air circulation
    through transpiration would allow the plants to suck up any remaining water
    in the pot so it’s not soggy which the fungus knats like.

  14. tblbaby says:

    cool help Ray, Thanks!

  15. Bob Paxson says:

    VooDoo Garden with an R rating;-) Way to help the procreation, Ray! And
    some murders are justified…in the garden.

  16. What’s the name of theses yellow sticky paper and where can I get some

  17. TheSajeffe says:

    Very nice little zuc. All I have are male flowers so far (2 plants –

  18. Batgirl66 says:

    Some Venus Flytraps would take care of those gnats lol

  19. yes.. a new episode thanks praxx!!!

  20. Nice video Mr Ray! This is so educational. I have a question for you or
    anyone that has a solution for me.
    Anyone here know how I should do with my indoor pepper plant( some kind of
    chili ish) It has started putting out flowers and I would love for it to
    produce fruit asI do not have the ability to put it outdoor at all. My
    problem is that the stem is sooo thin. And there is a lot of flowers on it.
    Can I transplant it, and put it deeper, when it has flowers on it? What
    might happen? Thanks peeps!

  21. Sue Miller says:

    Ray. I am not sure if the fungus gnat season is over or I am going crazy
    or. Today I looked for the fungus gnats that were driving me nuts and I
    didn’t find any. Two days ago I found a wolf spider in my bathtub so I put
    him in my plants in my indoor window garden. Could it be he ate all the

  22. allen2905 says:

    “chicken soup”….love your humor!! keeps us on our toes..

  23. Shinintendo says:

    Like your mango I get the black spots on the leaves tip on some of my
    pepper plant.
    Any idea if it’s ok to leave it as it is?

  24. Ahhh. It’s been a long week at work. Haven’t had much time to watch youtube
    videos at all. I forgot how helpful your videos are to me during times of
    stress or depression.

    Thanks, Ray.

  25. Ken McCown says:

    That is a big light bulb!

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