Planning Your First Raised Bed Garden using Square Foot Gardening for Beginners

July 10th, 2015 | by admin


  1. Its time to plan your raised bed garden. Part 2 for beginners #planning
    #organic #organicgardening #gardening

  2. Wayne Meador says:

    *GREAT Tips for Getting Started in the Garden*

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge Stephen and Alexander. This is a very god
    video for new gardeners. :)

  3. Scot Duke says:

    *GREAT Tips for Getting Started in the Garden*

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge Stephen and Alexander. This is a very god
    video for new gardeners. :)

  4. Planning your garden is fun to do and with these quick tips you can grow a
    great garden in raised beds!

  5. Planning your garden is fun to do and with these quick tips you can grow a
    great garden in raised beds!

  6. Excellent tips for beginning gardeners, Stephen and Alexander!

  7. Planning your garden is fun to do and with these quick tips you can grow a
    great garden in raised beds!

    #raisedbeds #raisedbed #garden #gardening #organicgardening #organic
    #gardenplan #planning #annual #perenial

  8. Planning your garden is fun to do and with these quick tips you can grow a
    great garden in raised beds!

    #raisedbeds #raisedbed #garden #gardening #organicgardening #organic
    #gardenplan #planning #annual #perenial

  9. LCJ farms says:

    SFG book is the best thing I’ve ever bought for my garden

  10. Great tips! I enjoyed this video Stephen and Alexander.

  11. Maria T says:

    Great intro for beginners. Appreciate your work.

  12. Your suggestion of finding the areas with enough sun is important.
    Especially when people are starting a garden for the first time, or are in
    a new location,it can be a real surprise to find their garden doesn’t get
    enough sun. But it can be difficult to visualize where the shade will be,
    especially for folks that just haven’t thought about it before. Some of the
    tools for assessing solar power potential can be helpful, like this:

  13. Sohan Sohan says:

    Very helpful tips steven. Thanks for share :) 

  14. Thank you So much for the idea of checking my local frost dates!! youve
    made my garden planning That much easier with such a simple idea. Thanks =)

  15. Great tutorial Stephen. This is my second year gardening in raised beds and
    I couldn’t agree more with your tips. I try and draw diagrams and make
    lists but often just figure it out when im out in the garden with my seed
    packets. It does at least give you a general idea of where to plant crops
    and how much. Thanks for the good video and good luck this season with the

  16. Good video and thanks for reminding us of such useful information.

  17. Tommyr says:

    Good job! Planted my carrots last week and I’m trying a few Asparagus
    crowns for the first time. I have pepper and tomato plants going inside
    too. This winter was BRUTALLY cold here so I can’t wait to really get going
    in the next month!

  18. sha whit says:

    Great info, thanks.

  19. I suck at planing :/

  20. smith shealy says:

    Excellent tips for beginning gardeners, Stephen and Alexander!

  21. Eco Oasis says:

    Thanks for the tips guys!

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