Small Space Urban Gardening

July 9th, 2015 | by admin


  1. bel250 says:

    I found your channel the other day and I love watching your videos, very
    informative. Also love your cat and your dog (camera hog, lol). Can’t wait
    for it to get warmer here, still a little cold and rainy days here lately
    (Ohio weather). You inspired me to have a vegetable garden this year. I
    have a good size backyard. I’ll be honest, I have never seen or eat fig,
    but I’ll find one at a garden center, I might try to plant one. Enjoyed
    watching your videos while I am drinking my morning coffee. Thanks for

  2. Amy Savino says:

    I love your videos! So much info! Love figs…living up north now and don’t
    have them anymore. Just a thought for food overage…food banks, always
    could share with needy. Just a thought. 

  3. dreaming of yard….ur lucky to have such space …what more can we
    want…just plant eat share and live with god.

  4. This is a very helpful video! Big hugs & God bless, Catfishchic

  5. steinderbush says:

    I am subscribed to many channels they all have some nice things on them , ,
    but there are just a few that i love the most!! And that,s yours and
    wranglestars! And why??! … you guys teach us something more worth
    than money can buy! Bless you.

  6. What variety of peaches do you grow? And also, did I see a glimpse of a
    plum? If so, what variety is it? Your videos are very inspiring. I may just
    start producing my own how to videos about my gardens here in southeast
    Texas. Thanks a million. 

  7. magpie121078 says:

    hehe I can’t stop laughing at that cat. But very informational. 

  8. You farm reminds me so much of our little farm we had back in Ohio where I
    was able to raise my kids….. I really miss it…..

  9. Great info! One of the first 25 minute videos I’ve ever watched all the way
    through on YouTube.

  10. barkulator says:

    I let the wild blackberries take over in a bramble area by my shed, and
    added a variety that produces later in the summer (that I got for free
    also), so I get 6+ weeks of berries. I make compost from the local greens
    and browns and make tea with it, and it supercharges the berry production.
    Native plants like you said are super resistant to disease too. 

  11. LOL! Cookie is the master photo/video bomber! Thanks for another great
    video. You share so much information and are very inspirational, thanks

  12. RimeTime says:

    You guys are smart, planting all the edible stuff.
    You’ve inspired me to get a few seed packets – i’m growing some
    vertical edibles soon.
    Is August a decent time to start seeds – in Florida ?? Pardon my
    ignorance, my mom bless her heart did so much gardening but i’ve forgotten
    so much 

  13. yakfishin says:

    I must say, your channel is amazing. your knowledge on the topics you cover
    is also amazing. whomever taught you you must have really paid close
    if you learned it all on your own its just that much better. thank you for
    showing your beagle
    finally. ours passed away almost a year ago and im glad you still have
    yours and hes
    beautiful. now I have to make a suggestion or better yet a request. please
    please please do a
    “how to” series on canning. there are several different ways to do it but
    the videos here on youtube
    about canning really aren’t showing us much. im willing to bet you grew up
    around canning and
    could make a short series very understandable to the rest of us. what do ya

  14. mrsuaavve says:

    Very good and helpful info. My mom lives on an acre in Arkansas. She is
    getting older and is not the gardening type but likes the convenience of
    having food right outside her door as opposed to driving miles to the store
    (country miles). The kiddie pool garden is an excellent idea. She wanted a
    raised garden and the kiddie pool would be much quicker to do.

    With the plants growing so close to the house: do you find you have more
    critters coming closer to the house (mice, deer, etc.)? If so, any tips to
    keep them away? I know a dog and cat, but anything else? Thx again for
    these vids.

  15. You are very knowledgeable about botany and agronomy. I have subscribed to
    your channel as you are giving me some ideas of adaptations for what I am
    working on for residential indoors vertical farming/gardening to help
    reduce costs of food and improve diets of people no matter where they live
    .. even in an apartment….. thank you and keep up the good work with the
    videos… btw my cat, Mr. Bill Clinton, likes to help me develop stuff as
    well 😉 

  16. I wish I could get a fig tree to grow here in Michigan they remind me of my
    Aunt in Oberlin Louisiana I would eat them off the tree no bowl needed. 

  17. Bruce David says:

    Good information which we’ll be sharing with our Poor Man Survival readers
    and to those who receive our ‘seed’ grants!

  18. jllovit says:

    Your cat is such a cute troll.

  19. piewolfe says:

    Furry Feline with Blue-eyed Beagle, perfect Co-Stars for this Excellent

  20. Joe Narciso says:

    Wonderful video… beautiful eyes!!! Thank you for the info…

  21. MrJustDIY says:

    Great video and info.

  22. Ivan Kinsman says:

    Those are amazing figs – lucky to have your climate; in Poland we have to
    move our fig tree inside in the winter. Will have a look at the Jerusalem
    pears – we find Conference grow best on our land. Our big tomatoes get
    blight but the cherry seem to be blight resistant and self-seed. Also, I
    would be happier eating your organic produce than the pesticide-grown stuff
    you find in most US supermarkets.

  23. DizzzyKipper says:

    That’s a good looking beagle.

  24. phrankus2009 says:

    Awesome bounty, there, Miranda. …
    Tell Danny, Mark, Ash, and your parents that we miss them.
    Looking forward to seeing that pup scare up a bunny, or two, soon.

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