Some credit should go to the creator of the Square Foot garden – Mel
Bartholomew, he did the revolutionizing of the idea, the design, the earth
mix, and wrote the book….
THANK YOU! Last year I tried using large Rubbermaid Containers because
our yard is oddly situated so only a small strip gets all day sun. I also
can’t be on the ground due to health issues with my back. My husband made
a stand for the containers, and because our yard is sloped, he made them in
step form. We filled them with Organic Growing Mix, and I had one with two
different kinds of tomatoes, one with bell peppers and jalepeno peppers,
one with heirloom rainbow carrots and one with zucchini and yellow squash.
The ONLY plants that did any good though were the carrots and the peppers
got at big as my fist for the yellow bells, the jalepeno grew well. The
squash gave me lots of blossoms, but only ONE useable Zucchini. I was
absolutely shocked that hardly got any tomatoes, not even 2 quarts worth
for four plants, as the previous year, when planted in the ground, two tear
drop tomato plants grew to over 7 ft, and I harvested well into the fall, I
had so many I shared with friends and neighbors. My blueberries, one
barely grew an inch with no fruit for the 2nd yr, and the other my husband
transplanted into a pot and I harvested about quart off of it in the
summer. Being new to gardening I can use all the help I can get! I live
in zone 6, Louisville KY. This is our COLDEST year on record. My
strawberries, I have tons of plant vining and crawling everywhere, but the
fruit only got to be the size of a cherry tomato and then it would either
hit the dirt and die, or I finally picked it. Someone told me I needed to
dig those up and put “the right kind” in. I have no idea what that would
be though. Any help would be great! Thanks!
Your #squarefootgardening revolution can start as small as a few
containers. Dig in, and break a few rules!
Your square foot gardening revolution can start as small as a few
Square Foot Gardening: A Small Space Revolution
Great Video!!
I love this so much x
Gardening is the best medicine for stress….
Flowers is the colors of life
Some credit should go to the creator of the Square Foot garden – Mel
Bartholomew, he did the revolutionizing of the idea, the design, the earth
mix, and wrote the book….
Great ideas.
I found your channel and subbed while I was starting seeds in my greenhouse
tonight. Love the setup that you have there! Great channel.
Learn how to grow more in less space.
Learn how to grow more in less space.
THANK YOU! Last year I tried using large Rubbermaid Containers because
our yard is oddly situated so only a small strip gets all day sun. I also
can’t be on the ground due to health issues with my back. My husband made
a stand for the containers, and because our yard is sloped, he made them in
step form. We filled them with Organic Growing Mix, and I had one with two
different kinds of tomatoes, one with bell peppers and jalepeno peppers,
one with heirloom rainbow carrots and one with zucchini and yellow squash.
The ONLY plants that did any good though were the carrots and the peppers
got at big as my fist for the yellow bells, the jalepeno grew well. The
squash gave me lots of blossoms, but only ONE useable Zucchini. I was
absolutely shocked that hardly got any tomatoes, not even 2 quarts worth
for four plants, as the previous year, when planted in the ground, two tear
drop tomato plants grew to over 7 ft, and I harvested well into the fall, I
had so many I shared with friends and neighbors. My blueberries, one
barely grew an inch with no fruit for the 2nd yr, and the other my husband
transplanted into a pot and I harvested about quart off of it in the
summer. Being new to gardening I can use all the help I can get! I live
in zone 6, Louisville KY. This is our COLDEST year on record. My
strawberries, I have tons of plant vining and crawling everywhere, but the
fruit only got to be the size of a cherry tomato and then it would either
hit the dirt and die, or I finally picked it. Someone told me I needed to
dig those up and put “the right kind” in. I have no idea what that would
be though. Any help would be great! Thanks!